Graduation Event for Royal College of Art, London

Zoom event

Online graduation event on july 16th 2020 19h00.
With live previews of all ADS graduation work, interviews and a live piano recital.
Curated by Steve Salembier, Frederik Croene & Karl Van Welden.

As part of the overall graduation program 2020, 60 minutes of graduating @ home intends to create a festive and collective online moment in which all graduates participate by offering a live glimpse into their work from the setting of their own homes. The concept of the usual graduationshow is hereby translated into a live online exhibition which uses the homes of all graduates as its multispace-setting and the ZOOM-webinar as its interface or format. The entire event will be created live and streamed on july 16th 2020 at 19h00.

In order to introduce a festive layer, composer & pianist Frederik Croene will perform a piano recital from a pastoral setting within the landscape of Flandres-Belgium. The piece , especially composed for the occasion, will be streamed into the zoom-webinar and will act as a continuous background to the ongoing mozaïque of live video-footage created from the homes of all graduates. Besides the layer of the live video-footage and the ongoing recital, a third layer is added, consisting of interviews. These will be executed by the different student reps interrogating their tutors about a list of 13 themes derived from the ADS-briefs.

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